Tag Archives: Carolyn Newman

Front Porch During COVID-19

Editor’s Note: Carolyn Newman is a retired music specialist and frequent writer of poetry. Her scientist husband, George, and her creative writer son, Jason, contributed to this poem. By CAROLYN NEWMAN Morning cup of coffee out on the front porch swing,George on the baritone uke and sometimes I would sing,Joined by Duke, our faithful border collieBeginning late March ’20, what

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Church 2020

By CAROLYN NEWMAN I do not go to church in town,I go to church in my nightgown.I do not want to be a crier‘Cause I cannot sing in choir. I’ve done that for 53 yearsSee me holding back my tears?The next best thing for you and meIs pioneerdrive.tv. I do miss my Sunday School friendsMy teacher’s expertise never ends.Our leader

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‘Brother Stan’ and Claudia Allcorn Honored by PDBC

By LORETTA FULTON “Stan the Man” has earned many honorific titles and humorous nicknames at Pioneer Drive Baptist Church over the past 22 years, but the one he likes best is “Brother Stan.” “We were all born from the spirit of Christ,” Brother Stan said at his retirement party Sunday night, Aug. 30. “We’re all family.” Even Stan Allcorn’s parting

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Retirement Poem for Stan Allcorn

Editor’s Note: This poem by Pioneer Drive Baptist Church member Carolyn Newman was read during the Aug 30 retirement party for longtime church pastor Stan Allcorn. R-E- T-I-R-E M-E-N- T,STAN ALLCORN IS RETIRING FROM PDBC.WE WILL MISS YOUR SERMONS AND WHAT WE’VE OFTEN HEARD,“WOULD YOU PLEASE STAND FOR THE READING OF GOD’S WORD?” NO WATERED DOWN SERMONS WITH PATS ON

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By CAROLYN NEWMAN On Sundays we would go to a Gospel Sing. Mama would fry chicken and often slipped me a wing. Then she baked a cake with raw eggs in the batter. I got to lick the beaters, uncooked eggs did not matter. First the preacher preached, then we sang and sang. My stomach started wanting “nana puddin” with

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Editor’s Note: Carolyn Newman, a retired public school music educator, provides some much-needed entertainment as we keep our social distance, shelter in place, and wait out the coronavirus pandemic.   By CAROLYN NEWMAN My hair’s a little whiter, My jean’s a little tighter So I’m not Little Debbie no more. Expanded in my middle Jalapeno peanut brittle And I just

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By LORETTA FULTON “Revenge is not justice…it never brings about justice because it never seeks reconciliation.” Those words are from a Lenten reflection written by Travis Frampton, one of 40 members of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church who contributed to a booklet titled, “A New Song: Lenten Reflections.” The collection of Lenten reflections was the brainchild of Nathan Adams, ministser of

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March 15th By Carolyn Newman Memories of the 1998 Lenten season light the corners of my mind. While living a busy life, I received news that my precious mother was not going to live. As stated in the scripture, I needed for the Lord to hear my cry. Being involved with the sixteenth annual “I Love America” production at Dyess

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